H.E. Khov Kamkara Presided over the Closing Ceremony of the 7th Regional Cybersecurity Forum (CSF-7).

H.E. Undersecretary of State, said that the regional forum which is organized by Asia-Pacific Telecommuity (APT) in cooperation with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Cambodia (MPTC) is aiming to providing and sharing information related to technology trend and new digital services and Cybersecurity issues on telecommunication and ICT sectors.
The important themes in the forum has been quoted to discuss and exchange ideas between speakers and experts from Countries in Asia-Pacific region including the theme on the establishment of policy on Internet of Thing,  Big Data and Innovation ( Best Practice ) in order to strengthen in responding  to new challenges are being happening in ICT sector.
Participants also understand about the limitation of privacy balance of users to prevent against the cyber threats are being happened and more complicated.  
The forum understood the necessary of good cooperation between countries in the region in contributing to share information and making closely cooperation to settle the cybersecurity issue to ensure the development of regional Digital Economy. 

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