Minister Chea Vandeth Meets with Minister Josephine Teo

Phnom Penh, 7 October 2021: Minister Chea Vandeth met virtually with Her Excellency Josephine Teo, Minister for Communications and Information of the Republic of Singapore. Minister Teo thanked Minister Vandeth for delivering his intervention remarks and actively participating in the Singapore International Cyber Week 2021 and for his continuous support on the topics of cybersecurity and digital technology.

Minister Teo also congratulated Cambodia on becoming the Chair of ASEAN in 2022 and strongly believed that Cambodia would continue to advance the discussion on these two topics.Minister Vandeth stated Cambodia’s commitment to cooperate with ASEAN member states and dialogue partners to strengthen cybersecurity capacity and respond to any cyber threats today and in the future. The Minister also added that Cambodia stood ready to take part in building a secure and inclusive cyber space.

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