ASEAN Information and Communication Technology Master Plan 2015

His Excellency Mr.PRAK SOKHON, Minister of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, presided overthe workshop on ASEAN Information and Communication Technology Master Plan 2015 which was conducted on November 26, 2013 at Phnom Penh Hotel.
In his opening remarks at the workshop, His Excellency Mr.PRAK SOKHON stated that ASEAN Ministers of Information and Communication Technologies had their 13th meeting in Singapore on November 14-15, 2013 in order to conduct a midterm review of the implementation of the Master Plan of 2015 ASEAN Information and Communication Technologies. As a result, for the past 3 years, 60 projects have been proposed by member states; 62% of measures within the master plan have been implemented and accomplished by member states.
His Excellency furthered that the workshop offered not only the opportunity to review all the work implemented in the past but also the opportunity to seek solutions as a means to ensure achievement of the ASEAN master plan 2015.
He mentioned some priorities for consideration, including regional security and peace keeping, which is very important for prosperity and growth of ASEAN as a whole. Among the 60 projects implemented within the ASEAN ICT master plan, none was initiated or implemented by Cambodia. So, this occasion would be a great opportunity for all relevant entities to participate and improve their ownership in determining their identity as well as to plan any project which contributes to achieving the goal set out in the 2015 master plan with other ASEAN state members.
Enhancing peace and security within the field of Information and Communication Technology as well as ensuring Cambodia’s full participation in implementing the master plan toward success require some key factors which are human resource development and technology literacy as well as reduction of technology gap among the ASEAN member states.
In his closing remarks, on behalf of His Excellency Mr.PRAK SOKHON, His ExcellencyMr. KAN Chanmeta, Secretary of State of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication, appreciated and thanked all the members for their exchanges of experience of such an important field of Information and Communication Technology.
At the same time, he invited all the participants to, again, attend a National Conference on Information and Communication Technology on 28-29 November, 2013 at the same venue. He believes that participation of all the members is of importance in accomplishing our ICT master plan in accordance with the ASEAN master plan.