The assignment ceremony of the leadership of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication was held on November 12, 2013 at the ministry, presided over by H.E. Mr. PRAK SOKHON, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications. His Excellency LIV Kimheng, Administrative Director General of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications announced the decree of His Majesty Preah Bat SamdechPreahBoromneath NORODOM SIHAMONI, King of Cambodia, and sub-decree of the Royal Government of Cambodia to designate H.E. Mr. SEK Socheat as Under Secretary of State of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, H.E. Mr. PHANPhin as advisor equivalent to the Secretary of State, H. E. Mr. KOUCH Ky as advisor equivalent to Secretary of State, H.E. Mr. CHEMSangva, the Royal Government advisor equivalent to Under Secretary of State, H.E. Mr. OU Borat, Director General of the Inspection of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, H.E. Mr. NHEANSras, advisor equivalent to Under Secretary of State, Her Excellency Mrs. LibLoeung as advisor equivalent to Under Secretary of State, H.E. Mr. LYKayrith, advisor equivalent to Director General, and assigned Mr. TepBuntha as Chief of advisors in 2nd mandate replacing H.E. Mr. KEOVuthin who has assigned for a new duty. In the meantime, there was another sub-decree that assign Assistants of Minister equivalent to vice-director general up to department directors.
H.E. Mr. PRAK SOKHON appreciated the leadership and officers of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications who had been assigned by His Majesty King of the Kingdom of Cambodia and SamdechAkkaMohaSenaPadeiTecho HUN SEN, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, to the new positions with different roles and duties in order to work together toward accomplishing development goals of post and telecommunication sectors with quality, effectiveness, modernity and competition.
His Excellency Minister expressed optimism that in order to participate in implementing the rectangular strategy and policy program of the Royal Government in 5th legislature with effectiveness, we need to continue to develop the posts and telecommunications system, motivate private investors by updating ICT and develop electronic administrative governing system throughout national and sub-national levels.