Celebrating Cambodia ICT Awards 2015 and ITU’s 150th Anniversary

Phnom Penh, 25 June 2015:  18: 00 Cambodia time-A celebration was hosted at the Phnom Penh Sofitel Hotel for the information and communication Technology (ICT) Awards of Cambodia 2015, and the 150th anniversary of the international telecommunication (MPTC) with the presence of Cambodia-based ambassadors and diplomats of ASEAN country, representative of ICT operators, and students.
In his opening speech, H.E Minister Prak Sokhonn noted that this auspicious ceremony clearly proves the efforts of the Royal Government of Cambodia in promoting innovation in the ICT industry, that have focused on building environments to provide the best and equal opportunities for all people and business to fully participate in the digital economy.
The Cambodia ICT Award is a prestigious award dedicate to the best ICT achievement among entrepreneurs in Cambodia. This award aims to provides a benchmark for success in term of innovation and creativity and offering business and funding opportunities, Minister explained.
“ We hope it will help to enhance the capacity of ICT companies up to another level and to allow them to be at the forefront, or in the middle of regional and international contests including the ASEAN ICT Award, the Asia-Pacific ICT Awards, and so on,” he stressed. “ Moreover, the event will become a platform for ICT related key actors to meet and exchange idea as well as to build an alliance of networks that will be very beneficial for Cambodia.”
“ The ITU has played a leading role in telecommunication so far. We have known first the telegram and telephone, then radio and television, and now satellite systems and internet which have brought in a new era of communication over the past two decades,” said H.E Prak Sokhonn . “Now, the ITU has a membership of 193 countries and about 700 private institutions. Cambodia has been a member of the ITU since 1952. In recent years, Cambodia has received technical assistance from the ITU, including building policy and regulation frameworks for the telecommunication sectors, USO, spectrum management, and communication and high-speed internet licensing, amongst others.”
On this important occasion, H.E Minister encouraged all stakeholders to support the ITU’s activities at both the regional and global levels.
Finally, the thanked all colleagues and stakeholders who had attended and inspired the ceremony to proceed successfully and proudly, and congratulated the winner of Cambodia ICT Award 2015.
Following the official opening H.E Prak Sokhonn and H.E Sarak Khan, Secretary of the MPTC, were invited to present the Cambodia ICT Award 2015 to the winner in six different categories:
Public Sector:
Winner: Developer of Business Registration System, Ministry of Commerce
Private Sectors:
Winner: CAMEMIS Education Management System, CamFirst  Technologies Co.,LTD
Corporate Social Responsibility:
Winner: Phone Library Program, Aide et Action Cambodia (international NGO)
Digital Contents:
Winner: Chibi entertainment program, Chibi
Business Establishment:
Winner: Smart Keyboard form ALiEN DEV
Research and Development:
Winner: AE& C smart home products, Cambodia Angkor Engineering and Consulting.
Gold medal winner were awarded $2,000, Silver medal winner $1,000 and bronze medal winner $600. 

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