H.E. Ros Sororkha, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and Leader of the National Working Group for Assisting Preah Net Preah District, Banteay Meanchey Province, has led the Working Group Members to Assist People in all Nine Communes of Preah Net Preah District.

H.E. Ros Sororkha, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and Leader of the National Working Group for Assisting Preah Net Preah District, Banteay Meanchey Province, has led the Working Group Members comprised of Preah Net Preah District Governor, Director of Banteay Meanchey’s Department of Posts and Telecommunications and local authorities to assist people with disabilities and elderly living in all nine communes of Preah Net Preah District. There were 10 houses in which each house received 20,000 riels and 16 units of zinc as donation from the working groups.