H.E. Kan Channmeta chaired a Meeting on Action Plan Implementation of General Department of ICT and National Institute of Posts, Telecomm and Information and Communication Technology (NIPTICT)

MPTC’s Head Office, February 13, 2017: H.E. Kan Channmeta, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, chaired a meeting on Action Plan Implementation of General Department of ICT and NIPTICT which was participated by H.E. Director General of General Department of ICT, H.E. Director General of NIPTICT and government officers of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The meeting is aimed at strengthening closely cooperation between General Department of ICT and NIPTICT to increase more efficiency of E-government development index 2017, E- services in ministries-institutions concerned and Human Resources development on the two sectors in 2017.