Meeting on Technical Research on Management and Operation of National Domain Name Registration

Phnom Penh, 25 June 2020, Secretary of State Manit Chea chaired a discussion on the technical aspects regarding the management and operation of Cambodian Network Information Center (KHNIC). Relevant working group members were present at the meeting.
Secretary Chea referenced the registration procedure of Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) as a model for the creation of KHNIC. As a result, KHNIC would need to be associated with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA). In Asia Pacific, countries like Vietnam and Thailand have already established their own Network Information Centers.
Secretary Chea added that the KHNIC creation would take time and require extensive research on all related aspects. For instance, Vietnam NIC has a dedicated general department to manage domain name registration. Currently, Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia handles the .kh domain name registration, which takes ten working days, while Telecom Cambodia handles the technical tasks. The KHNIC management involves the registration procedure and IP address management. The working group will continue to study the NIC models of Thailand, Vietnam and other countries in the region to expedite the rollout of online domain name registration.
-Photos and article by Semtararoth Pot
-Translation into English by Sokthearin Than