Minister Vandeth Chea Meets with H.E. Eva Nguyen Binh, France’s Ambassador to Cambodia

Phnom Penh, 26 June 2020, Minister Vandeth Chea received a courtesy visit from H.E. Eva Nguyen Binh, France’s ambassador to Cambodia at MPTC. Minister Chea extended a warm welcome to Ambassador Nguyen Binh and expressed his gratitude towards the French Republic for the long-lasting friendship and assistance in Cambodia’s socio-economic development.
Ambassador Nguyen Binh congratulated Minster Chea on his new role as the head of MPTC and stated France’s ongoing cooperation projects in Cambodia, notably regarding the research and development fields. In addition, Madam Ambassador discussed the cooperation program with National Institute of Post, Telecoms & ICT (NIPTICT) through postgraduate scholarships to France and the planned participation by French Tech in the upcoming Digital Cambodia Expo.
On this occasion, Minister Chea highlighted MPTC’s priority tasks and the needs for technical assistance from France in human resource development, especially in the digital technology sector. The Minister also discussed MPTC’s key tasks, such as the draft digital government policy, ministry’s digitalization program, capacity building program for officials at the ministry and provincial departments and the draft cybersecurity law which is expected for completion by the year end.
-Photo by Punlokpanha Bo
-Article by Theara Horn
-Translation into English by Sokthearin Than