H.E. Minister Tram Iv Tek Presided over the Opening Ceremony of the 7th Regional Cybersecurity Forum (CSF-7).

The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication of Cambodia (MPTC) in cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) organized the 7th APT Cybersecurity Forum (CSF-7) from 11 to 13 October 2016 in Intercontinental Hotel, Phnom penh, Cambodia. The regional Forum is participated by ASEAN Countries, local and regional industrial companies and related Ministries-Institutions with total amount of 300 participants. It also prepared presentation and discussion between experts on the theme of:
- Risks and Opportunities of Internet in the new era
- Measures and Policies which were underlined by the Royal Government to protect Cybersecurity issue
- Preventing Cybersecurity issue and enhancing the development of ICT industry
Separately, the Minirty of Posts and Telecommunications in cooperation with IDG will organize the exhibition of the 4G (Cyber Security/4G Products and Cambodia 4G LTE & Security World Forum 2016. The events are focusing on presenting of Cybersecurity and ICT industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia.